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Path Decorations

Path decorations are elements that accept a path as input and generate one or more shapes that follow that path.

All path decoration functions support the following style keys:


Default: 0%

Absolute or relative start of the decoration on the path.


Default: 100%

Absolute or relative end of the decoration on the path.


Default: LINE

If set to "LINE", generate lines between the path's start/end and the decoration's start/end if the path is not closed.


Default: 1

Width or thickness of the decoration.


Default: 10

The number of repetitions/phases to generate. This key is ignored if segment-length is not none


Default: none

Length of one repetion/phase of the decoration.


Default: 'START'

Alignment of the decoration on the path if segment-length is set and the decoration does not fill up the full range between start and stop. Can be one of "START", "MID", "END.