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line-line() -> vector or none 

Checks for a line-line intersection between the given points and returns its position, otherwise none.

Line 1 point 1

Line 1 point 2

Line 2 point 1

Line 2 point 2


Default: false

When true, intersections will be found for the whole line instead of inbetween the given points.


line-cubic() -> array 

Finds the intersections of a line and cubic bezier.

Bezier start point

Bezier end point

Bezier control point 1

Bezier control point 2

Line start point

Line end point


When true, intersections will be found for the whole line instead of inbetween the given points.


line-linestrip() -> array 

Finds the intersections of a line and linestrip.

Line start point.

Line end point.

An array of vectors that define each point on the linestrip.


line-path() -> array 

Finds the intersections of a line and path in 2D. The path should be given as a drawable of type path.

Line start

Line end

The path.


path-path() -> array 

Finds the intersections between two path drawables in 2D.

Path a

Path b


Default: 8

Number of samples to use for bezier curves